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«  Февраль 2024  »

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Среда, 03.07.2024, 12:04
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Главная » 2024 » Февраль » 20 » b2web.in
  • Материал неактивен
OpenAI had a confusing week. Who came out on top? And who lost out? [url=https://bs2-dark.info]blackspurty[/url] The leadership crisis that engulfed OpenAI for nearly a week ended almost as abruptly as it began: With a terse, cryptic announcement by the company that would have enormous ramifications for its future. In some ways, the outcome was a return to the status quo: Sam Altman would be restored as CEO, with the company’s deep and lucrative business partnership with Microsoft, which took a $13 billion stake in the company even as it ramps up its own AI research efforts, left intact. But in other ways, the agreement is still a watershed moment for OpenAI and the artificial intelligence field writ large. https://Bs2bot.info bs2 The tumultuous week seems to have resulted in a big victory for Altman personally; proponents of widespread AI adoption; and some of the country’s most established elites. And it came at the expense of AI skeptics who, by many accounts, bungled an attempt to make a principled stand for caution about the technology’s long-term risks.
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